Courting the Dram Workshop

IWA Open Day @ Feis Ile 2023

Thur 1 June @ Rhinns Hall, Portnahaven


12.15 PM



Dive head-first into a sensory discovery of whisky aromas. Through a guided immersion into five unique whiskies, you are invited to explore the possibilities of sensation and deconstruct the dram.
Featuring interactive exercises, thought experiments, and engaging discussions, you will be challenged to develop your nosing and tasting skills. Together, we will explore 16 items, such as cream, peat, banana, and wool, and use them as a sensory frame of reference when encountering new whiskies throughout the workshop.
Get to know the systems we use to personify whisky, for example top/heart/base notes, length, and body. By applying patterns in we find in whisky flavours and textures, learn how to “sight read” a dram with just a sniff.
With a focus on our bodies and the element of time in relation to whisky, let us coax out the secrets from the water of life together.
And, above all, fall in love with Scotch!