WHISKY AFFINITY ® © Online Course

Enjoy a dram with Islay Whisky Academy in the world's First Scotch in Context education course, and take a deep dive into the how, what, why and where of Whisky.

Vol 1 - Courting the Dram

  • TEXTBOOK: 22,000 words, images, photos.
  • WORKBOOK: Tests, quizzes, projects, tasks.
  • A personal invitation to join The Islay Whisky Academy Kinship Group

*Course material will be sent within 7 days via WeTransfer

Be excited, be involved, be inspired.

Learn whisky from the inside.

Learn how to think about whisky, how to approach it, how to deconstruct it.

Expand your understanding and increase your confidence

Perfect your Nosing & Tasting Ability.