Feis Ile 2024 ~ Bruichladdich Music Fiesta

Bruichladdich day chat with our Italian friend and roving reporter, Samuele Rossi

It felt similar to fiestas we have in Italy to honour each village Saint. People come and listen to music and eat the food of the area. It did not feel so much like a Whisky day. 

With the bold modern coloured graphics and the young pushy vibe, is Bruichladdich moving into Music festival consciousness with whisky thrown in for good measure on the side? 

The day appears to have been less well attended than usual, perhaps this is due to the £20 entrance fee…

There were craft stalls with other amazing Islay producers – painters, chocolate makers, jewellery makers and authors. 

Because Bruichladdich have long been used to large numbers attending their day there was not a great focus on tables or seating due to lack of space. However, if the event is taking a different slant now with less visitor numbers, then could there be room for more tables and chairs and a slower pace. 

The drams in Adam’s morning Masterclass were great, with very strong bright graphics on the Tasting mats – certainly woke everyone and got them fired up for morning!

The T -shirts of the staff were very much admired, but not available for purchase by the public. Perhaps this is a nice way to connect visitors with the distillery going forward – let guests buy and wear the same clothes as staff, keeping a tight connection and bond between both. 

The big wheel always turns and it’s the nature of the world for things to change. I’m getting the feeling this Feis Ile that the two big open days are not Bruichladdich and Ardbeg – but perhaps Lagavulin is gaining in popularity and, Kilchoman offers a great party.

I always like Bunnahabhain too when the sun shines

Lets hope it shines for the rest of the week. 

Thanks to everyone who works so hard to make this a special week. Your endeavours are much appreciated. 

Slainte Mhath! 


Photo credits to Samuele Rossi

Harbingers Drummers giving it laldy!