Scotch Series 18: Barley

Barley is composed of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and minerals.
High-protein barley is generally valued for food and feeding, and starchy barley is for malting. Malting barley requires no less than 97% germination. Six row barley can produce 25-60 grains per ear, while two-row barley produces 20-30 grains. Ears (heads) per m2 can give 750 ears. Grains per m2 can be 15,000 grains.

Scotch whisky (malt distilling) uses low-grain nitrogen barley. Malts for grain whisky (grain distilling) use high-grain nitrogen barley. Spring barley (SRUC recommendations) October 2018 ~ Name of barley – Concerto > 70% of Scottish malting intake. Odyssey – Limited and declining interest. Laureate – Potential to be a market leader. Optic – No longer on the recommended list. Belgravia – Grain distilling variety. Propino – Biggest brewing variety (in the UK). Sienna – May have limited use in distilling. Octavia – Could develop a niche in brewing and distilling. To be on the safe side barley requires less than <14% moisture for long-term safe storage.