Away back in the day, one of the highlights of working in a distillery was the free dram given to men at the end of the day.
It was very important to know which excise man was pouring the dram as some were mean and some were generous ~ some gave a good size dram, but the mean ones only poured a wee dram.
One’s expectation could be set in advance if one knew which excise man was ‘on the dramming’ that day – if it were a generous man, there was something good to look forward to at the end of the day – a large dram!
The story goes that three Laphroaig Distillery workers were walking to work on the Friday morning after the American moon landing in 1969.
Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong are the first people ever to walk on the moon. The world is agog with excitement. This is the most important thing to happen since goodness knows when…
Two of the men, like the rest of the world, are excitedly discussing this dazzling achievement.
~ but the third man had other more important things on his mind……..
He butts into the conversation and asks excitedly…..
‘never mind that moon talk… …WHO’S ON THE DRAMMING….. ???!!!‘