Feis Ile 2024 Opening Day

Welcome Home! to all who have been here before – and Welcome Home also, to 

Islay Whisky Academy arethose who haven’t.  having a different Feis Ile this 2024.  Instead of hosting an IWA Open Day in Portnahaven Hall as we usually do, we are going to spend the week visiting every where else, talking to people and sharing the whole week with you on line. 

Today we went to Port Ellen for the Feisl Ile 2024 opening festivities. 

We spoke with Florence Grey – Madam Chairwoman of Feis Ile committee  to find out what she was most looking forward to  for the week ahead…

Florence says that sharing drams and sharing the new Tartan which the Feis Ile committee organised from the competition last year, are special aspects of the week. 

All the school children were invited to design a Tartan that reflects the island and the atmosphere of the Feis. 

The winning design was woven into a beautiful cloth which reflects the sun, sky and golden drams that are all part of Islay.

Now we have stylish items including bags, throws, purses and the like all created using the winning tartan design. Everything is available to purchase by people who wish to take a wee part of Islay and the Feis home with them.  

This feis is all about fun and has a focus on Olympic style and power!

What’s not to like? 

Bringing the young ones into the body of the feis allows us to keep the traditions going and maintains our culture and energy for the future. 

Tomorrow IWA will be at Lagavulin, reporting back on the drams and doings from there. 

Slainte Mhath! 

Enjoy your drams and all the brilliant days ahead in this amazing Feis Ile week – which is more than a whisky festival – it’s a FEIS!  

Photo credit of Olympic Feis winners to Ben Shakespeare and Feis Ile.