Charles Maclean ~ Writer &Amp; Whisky Connoisseur

Charlie MacLean - Writer & Whisky Connoisseur Charles MacLean; celebrated raconteur, writer and businessman; lover of whisky, sailing, shooting and cooking invited me to his home outside Edinburgh. Converted farm buildings house his office, come writing den, come...

Portrait Of A Whisky Lover

Portrait of a Whisky Lover What makes someone who has never been to Islay, far less to Bruichladdich, get themselves a Bruichladdich tattoo? Derek Mather of Artisan Restaurant in Wishaw is the very man to ask.DEREK MATHER ~ whisky lover from Old Kilpatrick, living in...

Whisky Is Liquid Music

Whisky is Liquid Music  Listening to recordings of Daniel Barenboim, the Argentine born, Israeli pianist and conductor giving the Reith Lectures in 2006, I was reminded of how classical music and whisky resemble one another, both in their construction and in our...