Islay Whisky Academy Walks the Camino De Santiago

Islay Whisky Academy Walks The Camino De Santiago The Islay Whisky Academy is going on an epic whisky journey through Northern Spain and will be away for 5 weeks (9th July to 14th August). Walking from St-Jean-Pied-de-Port to Santiago de Compostela, the journey will...

THE ISLAY WHISKY ACADEMY 2019 Diploma Certificate

Sign up for THE ISLAY WHISKY ACADEMY Diploma Certificate.5 Days Full on residential Whisky Education course 21 – 25 October 2019. Inclusive cost is £1350.  Learn enough to start your own distillery…This year we will focus onWATERPEATYEASTGROWING...

Whisky Marketing is so off piste..d

Whisky Marketing is so off piste...d There are two types of people, Buyers & Drinkers. They are emphatically NOT the same thing ~ although, like a good conundrum, they CAN be the same thing!The marketing demographic for the new whisky drinker is the 28 year old,...

Feis Ile 2015

Feis Ile 2015 Feis Ile agus Dhiura 2015 ~the busiest we have seen yet! We had extra open days & nights and millions of Events ~Friday ~ SMWS Open Day at Islay House ~ with two new Festival bottles……. one from SMWS and one from Islay HouseAnd the first...